Zig at the gig is a long-form interview-style show. The host Dave Deitke is a full-time Musician from Cleveland, OH. Who plays in an original band called C-level and teaches an adapted music class. Zig at the gig started as a podcast for Negative Space, a non-profit art gallery, promoting events and artists from the galley. The show has grown to include all facets of entertainment, including artist authors and musicians.

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Case Bargé
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Case Bargé is an alternative, soulful hip-hop artist from Cleveland, Ohio and the founder of Alls Lost Outside Our Fantasy (ALOOF Recs), a creative collective and independent music label working towards social transformation through artistic expression. His motivation is to inspire and raise levels of consciousness through his creations by waking up those who are distracted by what is sold and exploited in today's mainstream music and media. Whether it's the exploitation of violence, drugs, and women or the destruction of politics, religion, and race; these are topics that drive him to better not only the music industry, but our society as a whole.
Case Bargé Talks, dealing with the Covid- 19 out break, His musical journey from Cleveland To LA, opening for Twisted, Denzel Curry, and DMC, and how perseverance lead to success!
Show Link !
Case Bargé Info

Saturday Mar 28, 2020
C-Level special vol.1
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Zig at The Gig : C-Level special vol.1
Zig and Coda hash out some new segments and a part 1of C-Level history lesson!
C-Level info
C-Level Spotify
C-Level band Camp

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Furious George Hartwig
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
George is a seasoned, full-time musician/entertainer from Parma OH with more than two decades of experience as a frontman/singer-player in bands of many formats. He is also a reputable guitar, bass and voice instructor who teaches all ages and skill level.
George has been a hero of my for most adult life, and has shown me its possible to follow your dream, and if you are dedicated, diligent you can accomplish it!
George is taking over the internet a lot of cool live events coming up links below !!
George's Info
Furious LiveStream Concert - Tribute to the Tavern
LiveStream Cleveland Jam Night Tribute / Stories / Tunes / Q & A link below

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Ryan Matthew : Cleveland Family Meal
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Ryan Matthew of Cleveland Family Meal. Cleveland family meal is a coalition of Cleveland chefs with the mission of feeding as many out of work Cleveland service industry professionals, musicians, artists, barbers, friends, and neighbors as we can. In this episode Ryan Hangs out and talks Rolling stones, social distancing, and Helping feed those in need !
The mix got kinda messed up during tracking this. This is the best repair I can do.. but Ryan is the one who you really need to hear !....Sorry-Zig
Spread the word!

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Brent Kirby
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Brent Kirby Cleveland legend! Singer-songwriter, teacher, frontman, drummer, founder, and host of the 10x3. Joins us to talk about dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak, his music journey, and his songwriting process/ approach with students, solo work, and multiple bands.
Brent is playing this Friday March27th at Your House ! on Virtual shows Cle with Emily Keener, and Jenna of Niights
Show info
Brent's info

Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Emily Keener
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Emily Keener is an American singer and songwriter. She started performing solo shows when she was 12. She became a contestant on season 10 of NBC'S The Voice , in 2016 at the age of 16. She advanced to the Top 12 !
In this episode Emily talks about her musical journey, dealing with the COVID-19 out break, her upcoming album, and the importance of sticking to a routine!
Emily Keener is playing Virtual shows CLE This Friday March 27th with Brent Kirby, and Jenna Fournier from Niights
Show Link
Emily's latest release and her site !

Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Ray Flanagan of Ray Flanagan and the Authorities 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Ray Flanagan CLE singer-songwriter talks about how COVID-19 effected the local CLE scene and his approach to playing a variety of gigs, as well as his philosophy of making music.
Ray's Next show is Friday, March 20th virtual shows CLE 8PM Featuring Ray Flanagan, Austin Walkin Can , Madeline Finn!
Ray's Info
The show info

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Michelle Gaw, Virtual Shows CLE, Mimi Arden
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Despite all the madness and negativity with the outbreak of COVID -19, Michelle Gaw local CLE OH singer-songwriter and frontwoman of the band Mimi Arden came up with a way to help her local musician peers through these difficult times.
With some PMA (positive mental attitude), and innovation Gaw came up with virtual shows CLE, a showcase that features 3 musicians on a streaming platform. To gain access to the platform, one must donate for the password. Everything raised is split between all the musicians.
I have said it a few times now, but stick by it GAW IS The Future!
Next show is Friday, March 20th Featuring Ray Flanagan, Austin Walkin Can , Madeline Finn
Show Link
virtual shows CLE info
Gaw info
Mimi Arden

Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
DownGrade joins us for this episode, We talk song writing, artistic expression,and Studio Mind !
DownGrade info
Down Grade is playing Negative Space March 20th (info below)

Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Jay Sparrow
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Jay Sparrow from Sparrow and the lost boys joins us for this episode. Jay talks about his journey from drummer to front man, as well as becoming the head of his studio studio44.
Jay's info
- studio44cleveland@gmail.com
- Sparrow and the lost boys FaceBook Info
- https://www.facebook.com/sparrowandthelostboys/?eid=ARCiaExgH6FhAMgW1CG9ChvXP_cMKzcHYYl78kthSwE7L2Ck-4gsyS-xG4zClWviGqH4CTB8e25oPhdT&fref=tag
Show Info
Negative Space March 20th